Persuasive Essay On Thanksgiving

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What makes Turkeys so special? Is it their feathers? Or their majestic-like walk? Did you know that 46 million turkeys are eaten everything Thanksgiving! That is crazy! Why do Americans only eat Turkey? Are we all brainwashed to just eat Turkey on Thanksgiving? Well I think, that turkeys are popular on Thanksgiving because it has become a trend. So today let’s go on a journey on why we shouldn't eat turkey on thanksgiving. First we are discriminating against other birds second, They aren't healthy for us, and finally people perspective on why we should eat turkey.
So first let's talk about how we are discriminating against other birds. Do you see anyone eating chicken on thanksgiving? how about any duck? No? Neither do I, and I am sick of it and you should be too! Imagine, for a minute, that you are a duck or a chicken, and everything Thanksgiving all humans decide to choose Turkey over you. Personally, I would feel rejected and lonesome if I were them. …show more content…

CBS News says “ It's a historical food. And the tradition must go on so that the holiday is never forgotten.” Ok agree that the tradition must go on. But isn't the main point of Thanksgiving is to be able to let your feelings out and say what you are thankful for. It could still and will be a tradition after we stop eating turkey when you're done reading this essay. Business Insider states “Ham is often served alongside turkey in many non-traditional households. Goose and duck, foods which were traditional European centerpieces of Christmas dinners before being displaced, are now sometimes served in place of the Thanksgiving turkey.” As you can see Business Insider is between both sides because it states another food to replace a turkey yet still it supports eating turkey by saying ham goes along with it Yet again ham comes from an animal and it will become the same issue with

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