Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Stop Texting and Drive!

We all have done it, been in the car while someone else has done it or have looked over and seen the person in the car next to you doing it. That’s right texting while driving. This is a very bad and dangerous habit. It has very little consequences if one is found texting while driving. There is a ton of technology today that can be used, that is hands free, if something really needs to be said to someone. Many may not agree but texting and driving should be illegal.

Taking your eyes off the road for just a split second can result in an accident. Most text I send take about 10 to 15 seconds to type out. In those 10 to 15 seconds I could have missed a yellow light turning red, a kid running across the street after a ball or the car in front of me slamming on its breaks. Typing that text will take one or both hands off the steering wheel giving you less control of the car. That same text has most of your focus.

Most cars now a day have Bluetooth connection, where you can connect your phone and make phone calls, send and receive text through the speakers. This makes you less distracted, keeps your hands on the steering wheel, and your eyes on the road. Also if your car does not have that feature and you have someone in the car with you, you could …show more content…

In most case it is just a small fine to pay and you are back on the road again texting and driving, just trying to hide it better. If the law did more to the people who keep repeating the habit fewer people would be less like to do it. Having been rear ended at a red light by a driver who was texting. I know firsthand in Florida, a driver will be given a ticket for reckless driving. After taking that driver to court I found out that there were serval other accidents that he had been involved in where he was texting and driving. But still all he was given was a “slap on the wrist”, pay this fine, insurance price may have increased and drive

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