Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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A driver is sitting on the interstate and his phone begins to his phone begins to vibrate, which lets him know that a text message has been sent to him. It could be a notification from his brother about an upcoming birthday party or an important message from the driver’s mother. Traffic is going to move soon, but it would only take a couple seconds to send a response. The driver starts to chooses to respond and traffic starts to flow. Soon after, the car in front of him stops suddenly and there is a crash. Texting and driving is a very common and dangerous act for teens and adults and needs to be stopped because it is a financially costly behavior, it puts the driver and others in danger, and it causes trouble and heartache for the affected families. Texting and driving is an incredibly dangerous act that is committed so frequently. Texting and driving is an example of distracted driving, which happens whenever the driver takes their eyes off the road (United States Department of Transportation). Currently, there are 324 million electronic devices for only 310 million people in the United States (Federal Communications Commission).Today’s ever-changing society has made use of electronic devices a necessity for all people. In 2011, 2.12 trillion texts were sent. This is a major increase from only 86 billion in 2008 (Federal Communications Commission). During the light hours of each day, over 800,000 vehicles are being operated while the driver is texting (United States Department of Transportation). People age thirteen to seventeen sent an average of 3,400 texts every month. This is a daunting statistic because these are the people that are just learning to drive (Federal Communications Commission). However, the distraction of tex... ... middle of paper ... ...hers (Governor’s Highway Safety Association). Some people believe the statistics do not apply to them. “If you think you can call, text and drive at the same time, you cannot. That message you can’t wait to send could kill. Distracted driving is an epidemic that is sweeping through our country, claiming people’s live and destroying families.” -Oprah Winfrey Texting while driving is a terrible idea because it puts people in danger, it can cause endless expenses and it causes trouble, obstacles, and heartache for the affected families. There is potential property and vehicle damage that could be a consequence to texting while driving. This act can injure and kill the offender and others. Many victims and their families can suffer emotional effects from crashes. There are many processes to help end this horrific behavior. Stop texting and driving and spread the facts.

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