Persuasive Essay On Tattoos And Discrimination

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Tattoos and piercings have been greatly increasing in popularity in the past couple of decades. This is not necessarily a “hot-topic” issue in today`s world, but people are beginning to take notice. Tattoos and piercings are forms of expressions for people, and can change perception- of the person and to other people. Of course, much of this depends upon the profession. Tattoos and piercings can hold the stigma of being unhygienic. Making employers, especially those in certain areas reluctant to hire candidates. Where does this form of discrimination stem from and how important is it to be addressed? How many people are aware of this form of discrimination?
The current job market is about to be very millennial-heavy, with baby boomers retiring and millennials beginning and finishing college. 23% of millennials have a body piercing and 40% have a tattoo (Burlington, Kennedy). 31% of human resource managers say that tattoos can negatively impact employment. Where these two points fully intersect, is that the older generations tend to correlate tattoos with “bad” things (jail time, gang affiliation, etc.). Studies have also shown that in general, people with body modifications are perceived as less intelligent and attractive (Kennedy). Many employers have said that the issue is not with having these modifications, it is …show more content…

Some cases have been against major companies, including: EEOC v. Red Robin and Sam`s Club v. Madison. There is not a federal law preventing this discrimination, but certain cities have banned discrimination against tattoos and piercings in the job industry. Washington DC; Urbana, Illinois; Santa Cruz, California; and Madison, Wisconsin (Kennedy). These are very few cities out of the many across the country. Only in these five cities are you protected if you have body modifications and are the on

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