Persuasive Essay On Selling Organs

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In the country Iraq, there are a lot of unfortunate families that live in poverty with no financial support that they need to take care of their family. There’s this family in Iraq the Hussein’s to be exact who have face poverty just like other millions of Iraqis. The mother has been the breadwinner for over 9 years because her husband has diabetes and has heart problems, so he is unemployed and can no longer work. The mother was a house maid but she is exhausted and can longer support her family. They are not the begging type who would ask for money or food nor do they want to feel like a charity case. So they only option that they could come up with was to sell their organs; even their son’s if they had too just so they could live comfortably. …show more content…

The family decided to not go that far with the fear of being incarcerate, but with the thought of not being able to do anything for their family left them heartbroken. People of any social or economic back ground should not have to beg a family member or their friends for an organ, nor should they die because they have to wait for one; for this reason, Selling organs should be legalized for consumer use. If the selling and purchasing of organs were to become legal it would boost the supply of organs helping to solve the national shortage, It would terminate the use of the black market in organs making it easier and safer when it comes to donating, and most importantly it will give people another option when it comes to providing for their …show more content…

During wartime, is when the black markets flourish. The market develops supply rationed goods at exorbitant prices. People lie when it comes to supporting the black market, for instance; farmers would claim fewer domestic animal births to the Ministry of Food than what actually happened so they could keep the extra money for themselves. Now the reasons why the black market is dangerous, traffickers can trick the victim into giving up their organ to little to no cost, doctors may lie to a victim saying that they have a illness that requires surgery, which would result in them removing their organ without the patient's consent, and there are extreme cases where people are murdered for their organs. If the government were to legalize the sale of organs then there would be no need for the black market, there would be no need for family members to fear the possibility of incarceration, and most importantly the black market would face a major decrease in organ

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