Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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Imagine walking into school one day planning to learn, and instead hearing gunshots blare over the voice of your teacher. Since 2013, the United States has experienced an epidemic of mass shootings; many being in schools. Recently the shooting in Parkland, Florida has shone a light on the need for gun control. “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” The correct statement should be, “Mentally ill people with assault rifles kill people.” If guns like the AR-15 were not available to the mentally ill or unfit such mass shootings like the one in Parkland would occur rarely or not at all. Change needs to happen in the form of gun control so parents can send their kids to school worry free, and kids won’t have PTSD because of a school shooting. …show more content…

Kids are being slaughtered in front of their friend’s eyes. Instead of worrying about finishing their homework, students must worry about their friend’s funeral the next day, or the rally being held the day after that. After the school shooting in Florida, students took action and called to their representatives to make a change by banning people from being able to buy assault rifles. However, representatives like Mr.Corcorans did not believe a ban would help matters (Burns 2). Instead lawmakers appear to be looking for a narrower solution. That includes improving certain background checks, providing better mental health services in schools, and improving school security (Burns 3). Although that is the first step stricter laws are still needed. The reason republican lawmakers are holding back is because of their endorsement received from the National Rifle Association. If a ban were put in place it would likely damage

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