Persuasive Essay On Real Cost Of School

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Persuasive/Discursive Essay - The Real Cost of School?

Copious amounts of arguments exist for and against school uniform. Primarily students are against and adults are for; however, there tends to be some of each on the opposition. The main issue, I believe, is the cost of the uniform. Supposedly uniform provides a cheaper alternative to regular clothes and prevents students from being bullied and bullying others in school.

There is heavy debate over whether school uniform is actually cost effective. There are equal points for both. However, even buying the cheapest options at say your local Asda still breaks the bank a fair bit. The cost only increases if you have additional children to provide for. Going by Asda’s George website, looking at the prices of various items that you would need for school; uniform, bags, PE kits, shoes etc. comes out costing roughly £120, and that’s choosing the cheaper options. This does not take into account, wear and tear, and the possibility of losing various items, or if the child grows out of shoes and/or clothes throughout the year. This does not consider having to replace uniform if it starts to discolour or …show more content…

Now there are similarities between the two. Both having a uniform in place and not having a uniform has the possibility of the child growing out of the clothes bought, and both uniform and no uniform has an expensive

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