Persuasive Essay On Plastic

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Plastic bags tend to disrupt the environment in a significant but humans are mainly to blame for this. We as humans do not see the destruction that we caused to the environment every time we toss plastic bags onto the bare streets. The plastic bags that we throw away and are not being recycled tend to end up in the oceans or landfills where poor animals happen to eat them. Charging ten cents for plastic bags to decrease CO2 emissions and environmental waste can in fact help the planet by helping stop pollution in the ocean, increasing landfill magnitude and also by diminishing plastic bags production. To begin with, water is a major aspect for all living organisms. Nearly about 96.5 percent of all earth's water is from in the ocean. …show more content…

They also disagree because plastic bags aren't the only things polluting the earth. While this is true and we do take it into consideration, plastic bags are the only substances that can be found all over the earth lands and water, as said in EPA Blog, “When it rains, storm sewers, sewer overflows, and drainage outflows transport litter to rivers which eventually carry the plastic into lakes or oceans where it pollutes water and kills animals.” This is why their argument was a major flaw that they are forgetting because they are not considering the well being of the earth’s atmosphere and all the living organisms. In conclusion, humans need to realize the benefits of recycling plastic bags can do for the environment because with recycling, we can clean up parks, roadsides, parking lots and many more other places that has a massive amount of litter. This will also have an enormous impact on future generations, thus to the fact that we can decrease pollution by just charging ten extra cents for plastic bags. Furthermore, plastic bags are unnecessary because humans can just purchase a reusable bag instead of using toxic

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