Persuasive Essay On Michelle Jones

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What do you do with a murderer of a child? The story of Michelle Jones is a controversial one, a tale of an attempt at redemption. Michelle Jones was abused by her mother as a child when she grew up. At 14, she became pregnant as a result of non-consensual sex. When her child was four years old, she killed and buried him. The penalty, 50 years in federal prison, was correctly justified. After 20 years, she was let out due to good behavior and her educational attainment; she had received her undergraduate and graduate degrees studying in prison. Without internet, she read from the prison’s library and produced a research project. Let out 30 years early, she applied to many of the top universities in country, including New York University and …show more content…

Her psychological damage done from the mistreatment by her mother and having a baby non-consensually should be taken into consideration. None of these make murder okay; However she was clearly immature and scared at the time. It was a mistake that she made when she was very young. If she had remained in jail for 50 years, she would be a senior citizen when released. She would miss the majority of her life and her youth to pursuit major accomplishments and redeem herself. Taking away one’s the opportunity to contribute to the world or pursue their goals would almost be taking away his/her life. Our society should promote the value of life and its potential. Originally, I did not think of the sentence in that way, but the class discussion invoked thought. Recently turning 18 years old, I slowly fathomed the magnitude of a near life sentence for a crime committed as a teenager. Why should one’s opportunity be taken away if he/she has the desire and potential to redeem himself/herself? I came to the conclusion that her redemption attempt deserved a shot. All people, especially young ones, deserve a second chance and allowing her to pursue her degree gave her

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