Persuasive Essay On Marriage Equality

674 Words2 Pages

Martin Luther King Jr. once said that ““Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere” and because of that, I agree with him. I firmly believe that the same discrimination he fought against continues to exist today, and because of that I stand firmly in favor of marriage equality. Marriage equality is the belief that anyone, regardless of gender, or sexual orientation, should be allowed to marry. I believe that marriage equality is a human right, not just a privilege reserved for straight people. In my paper, I intend to support this belief through two main areas. First, I will discuss why the arguments against marriage equality collapse, then I will show why it’s right to support marriage equality.
First, the argument that being gay is a sin, therefore, it should be banned. If the American government/people are going to discriminate against gays and lesbians because being gay is a “sin”, then what is there to prevent other 'sinners' from being discriminated against? What laws and protections do we have from a theocratic government? The answer is the first amendment, which brings me to my second point, that denying marriage is a violation of our civil rights.
Indent-- The BIll of Rights guarantees that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion [...]." This means that congress will pass no laws on religious grounds. But seeing as there are some who claim that marriage equality is also bad for society outside of religion, the Supreme Court has stated its opinion clearly. ("Should Same-Sex Marriages Be Legalized?")
According to the Supreme Court's ruling in US v. Windsor ("The Expanding Power of U.S. v. Windsor."), denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples is unconstitutional as a matter of e...

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...hose minorities, and marriage equality is no different.
Which brings me to my concluding point, that love is love. When people marry, they do so because they want the security and the comfort of being able to know that the man or woman they love will be able to be there for them through thick and thin. They want to know that if they’re sick in the hospital, they loved ones can visit. They want to know that when they die, their partner will not be left with nothing. In short, they just want to be treated the same.
In conclusion, I covered the main points for and against marriage equality. As a nation, we have no right to take away the rights of two people who wish to be married. We as a society have come a long way from the days of interracial marriage, but we still have a long way to go. To legalize marriage equality would be one step closer to equality for all.

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