Persuasive Essay On Making Your Relationship

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Making your relationship last can be done, you will have your good times and bad times, but if you both want this to work then it will. The thing is, that both of you have to want it to work, and be committed to making it work, it won't happen if there is just one of you making all the running, you are in this together, for better or for worse.

The problem is, what happens if your partner is not yet ready to commit to the long-term? It could be the case that your partner loves you dearly, but that they still need to work through and understand their feelings for you. What would you do in that situation? If you really love them you need to accept the stage that they are at, and concentrate on building the best relationship that you can. If …show more content…

At various points in your relationship you are going to have disagreements and arguments. No matter how perfect the relationship, they will argue at some point. If anything, it would be unhealthy of you not to argue. Arguing can help to clear the air and highlight issues that need dealing with. If you shout and scream at each other, if you play the blame game, or if you are just looking to score points of your partner then you achieve nothing, your issues remain unresolved, resentment builds and it could destroy your relationship. You need to be calm and rational when you talk things through, you need to be able to focus on your issues and not get distracted, and you need to be able to reach a solution that you are both happy with. Use arguments as a way to identify problems and in working through them to come closer …show more content…

You've got to enjoy your time together, have fun, open up the romantic and have some fun. Which is fine, so long as you are friends. Doing things that you both enjoy, finding new experiences, building up a store of shared memories and experiences will bring you closer together. You have to spend quality time together, or where's the point. Not spending time together can make your relationship tired and stale, because you have nothing to look forward to. You are never to old to date, you are never to old to have fun, you are never to live

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