Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The Legalization of Marijuana Just think what your life would be like if somebody took something that you’ve had since you were born. Maybe it’s a blanket or pillow or even a stuffed animal, but you don’t remember life without it. One day you’re just relaxing at home and somebody says that blankets are illegal. You freak out because they take your blanket, pillow, stuffed animal or whatever you have, because you can’t remember life without it. This is related to the Illegalization of marijuana. Marijuana has been illegal since 1937, make its uses illegal and unsuccessful and not used to its full potential. Thus, it should be legal in all 50 states. Marijuana should be legalized in all fifty states, because it was used for over four thousand …show more content…

The effects can range from red eyes, impaired vision and poor judgement. According to “What Science says about Marijuana” marijuana is scientifically proven to not lead to a fatal overdose. You cannot have so much MJ (marijuana) that you die. The author also claims that there is little evidence that it leads to cancer. If you know anything about tobacco, most users develop cancer when using it. Tobacco and alcohol have more physical effects than marijuana ranging from tooth loss/decay, cancer in your liver lungs and brain. According to “What Science says about Marijuana” quitting marijuana can be difficult but not as hard as quitting other drugs like cocaine and heroin or even tobacco and alcohol. Compared to the other drugs (heroin, cocaine, tobacco, and alcohol) marijuana is proven to be the least addictive by The Institute of Medicine, which is the health arm of The National Academy of Sciences. In a 1999 study by The Institute of Medicine, 32% of people who use tobacco become dependent, 23% of heroin users are dependent, 17% of cocaine users, 15% of alcohol and only 9% of marijuana users are dependent; thus proving that marijuana is the least addictive drug. With it being the least addictive drug it should be …show more content…

It is proven that the negative effects range from red eyes to dry mouth to increased heart rate and loss of coordination- a loss of coordination can range from stumbled walking to slurred speech to having a stutter in you speech, and increased heart rate can lead to heart attacks or go under cardiac arrest. When it makes you feel like you are better when you’re sick, it really is just making you feel like you are better. Studies show that there is no actual evidence that states that marijuana actually treats sickness- its psychological effects make it feel like it is treating your sickness. According to the article “What Science Says about Marijuana” the more addicted to marijuana, the more you will need to satisfy your cravings. A more experienced user will need larger doses to please the pleasure centers in their brain- it will be harder to satisfy your brain. That same article claims that quitting marijuana is also very difficult; the side effects of quitting consist of trouble sleeping, and depression. Your brain will be so used to smoking marijuana that you want it so much that your brain will basically panic and will constantly need more. A long-term study based in New Zealand showed that the more people that start smoking the grass (another name for marijuana) at a young age have an I.Q. loss of up to 8 points by the time they are 38. So gradually over time you will be less intelligent. But it

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