Persuasive Essay On Jfk Assassination

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Is no one else going to mention the historical Coincidence we are witnessing in Dallas, TX.? Set aside, for a moment, the men and women that have been killed or injured. The inconvenient truths are, that this city hosted, perhaps, the greatest crime, since the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the Murder of a sitting president, John, F. Kennedy. The circumstantial evidence being a man with Three Names, with a military background, armed with an antique rifle, working alone, taking up a position in a snipers nest, within a building above the target and then being eliminated. All now conveniently gone before the chance of Any facts, live testimony or the accused rights to a defense ora voice, all gone before being illuminated in a trial. Only the words of those immediately involved tell …show more content…

All we have are the words of, at best, questionable entities and at worst, liars and murders from the highest positions. As with the last great deception, more than one could have been involved, the accused, could have been dead and planted even before the shooting began, how do we know? Even video and testimony is insufficient base on past truths. Those that control the present and the information available have a proven track record, THEY LIE, time and again, they have been caught, and we just keep moving on! And as we rightfully morn and grieve over the tragic loss of our fellow countrymen, we as a people must demand every detail, however small or insignificant it may now seem to be, for in the days and years to come, the pieces may fit together, as they so often do, in another configuration, and not as the official narrative we are being prescribed today would compel us to believe. We no long have the luxury of blind faith in authority we must demand answers and when those answers are not forthcoming or concealed we must conclude the answers we have been given are LIES!!! Based on past

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