Persuasive Essay On Identity Theft

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Keeping our personal information private is a growing concern. With the advent of different technological advances, it is becoming more difficult to protect sensitive information about ourselves. Often, we are required to provide certain information like our social security number, credit card number, date of birth, and others in order to avail of certain services and for identity verification. Carelessness in giving this information can lead to our identity being stolen. Identity theft can cause significant harm and damage to us, and, sadly, there are those with malintent who are willing and able to commit this crime. Some of our personal information is also stored in different databases making us more susceptible to identity theft in the event that these databases were compromised. Identity theft isn't the only way our privacy is breached. We always need to be careful when dealing with and protecting our privacy.

Identify theft has always been an issue in our world. Whether we are aware of it or not, we might not be protecting ourselves from identity theft as adequately as we would like because there will always be a level of susceptibility, vulnerability, and risk when we have information stored in different databaeses. A recent example …show more content…

Social media allows us to share bits and pieces of our everyday life to friends, family, and other acquiantances, and although social media platforms have some measure of protecting our privacy, we are still made more vulnerable to attacks on our privacy through the simple act of using social media. When we share a photo, a video, or our current location, those individuals who want to do us harm can use those information to build a trend, or a pattern of our behavior, and once this information is gained, other valuable information can be interpreted and applied in order to breach our

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