Persuasive Essay On How To Mold Clean Up

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Mold clean up should be easy right? Just a little bleach and some elbow grease and Voila! Done!
Not so fast...
If you believe the myth about mold being an easy fix, you're in for a long road of grief when lingering problems begin to arise.
Is Having Mold in Your Home or Office Dangerous?
In short, yes! Having mold in your home or office can be extremely dangerous. Most of the mold found in our air is toxic. But since it's invisible to the naked eye, you might have mold and not even know it. And once mold becomes visible, you already have a big problem. So if you ever smell a musty or mildew odor in your home or office, you should address it immediately. Don't wait until someone gets sick.
What Are the Risks of Mold In Your Home or Office?
There …show more content…

DIY Mold Clean Up Versus Professional Mold Removal
You can clean up everyday mold like the kind that can be found around your bathroom sink using traditional cleaning methods which is effective for that type of mold. However, problem mold such as the kind you find growing on drywall, studs, and subflooring, etc. are a whole different story. Trying to clean this type of mold yourself generally doesn't completely get rid of the mold in question, regardless of what you might have heard.
To thoroughly and completely remove dangerous, toxic mold, you should contact a professional who will use specific methods and special tools such as air scrubbers, air movers, dehumidifiers, and other specialty tools to remove all traces of mold and make sure the air is once again safe to breathe. If you don't, you are risking the life and health of everyone who will be exposed to the air in that environment.
Remember, you can't always see mold in the air because it's invisible. So even if you think you've thoroughly and effectively cleaned and treated the toxic mold area, unless you've used the proper protocols and specialty equipment used by professionals, there are sure to be lingering traces of mold you can't see that will eventually become a problem once

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