Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling

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I started homeschooling when I was in the 4th grade. I had been public school before my mom decided to take me out. At the time public schools in Memphis had a program called “No child Left Behind”. Sadly I was the child that got left behind due to me being very ill. In the early semester of my 4th grade year I was hospitalized with an enlarged spleen and I was in the hospital for weeks. When I finally was able to go back to school my teacher did not help me get back on track. The teacher was even considering not letting me proceed to the next grade. So that was the day my mom decided her baby “Me” was not going to suffer in public schools any longer. It was a big change for me. Adjusting to being at home all the time from being in a public school environment was definitely different. I missed being around friends and going to music class.
Homeschooling’s a better environment for children because kids in public school are oppressed. Proponents of home schooling believe that …show more content…

When I was in public school I often felt like I was not being able to express myself like I got to being home-schooled. Public schoolers also complain about the work load of homework they get. According to researcher Jerusha Conner when it comes to stress, 56 percent of the students considered homework a primary source. Forty-three percent viewed tests as a primary stressor, while 33 percent put the pressure to get good grades in that category. Less than 1 percent of the students said homework was not a stressor (Non-academic Effects of Homework in Privileged, High-Performing High Schools

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