Persuasive Essay On Homeless

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People are known to be bias towards the homeless. Most people think that homeless are disgusting drug addicts. Many people don’t know or understand the struggle that many homeless beings face, everyday and night just so they can survive.You may ask yourself who are the homeless, or what caused them to be that way? How do determine whether or not someone is homeless?Think about it, doesn’t the sight of a homeless person ever make you ask questions? Like why are they homeless, how do they live compared to those who are not homeless? How can we assist the homeless? Creating a place where the homeless can start over is a very good start. The Western-Merriam dictionary states that the meaning of homelessness is “Having no home or permanent place of residence.”Homelessness is when a person does not have any support or a home to live in. The …show more content…

A homeless shelter would be the logical place for them to go for help however those are just temporary. They do not last forever. There is a place in Los Angeles called the Dream Center and I want to base my idea off of that. Since they don’t have the money to fly or drive all the way there. The Dream Center is a place where you are taken from society and directed down the right path. You are kept with your same sex and you have to learn along side them about God. But since not all people are Christians I want to be able to teach them budgeting and how to file taxes while also keeping them away from any substances they may abuse. I want the place to be a residence where they can stay until they feel like they are fully prepared to be on their own again. My belief is that this is a good cause, because this gives them a semi permanent place to send all important information. This also provides them with a permanent cell phone number that won’t get connected and a permanent mailing address that can remind them of bills they may have to

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