Persuasive Essay On Health In High School

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As I walk through my high school every day of school, there is one thing that both frustrates and saddens me. I never fail to notice all the unfit, overweight, and underweight students walking through the halls, gasping for air as they walk up a flight stairs. Not a day goes by that I do not wonder why people do not stand up and take stand up and question why some people do this to themselves, and the fact that no one seems to care is the worst part of all this. The health of all these students are at stake, but sometimes, they do not know any better. For all they know, their health is just as unimportant as the physical education classes seem to be at the schools. Most physical education classes in schools nowadays are just another class where …show more content…

I never exercised, unless it was during sports, or ate healthy; rather, I would sit in my room all day with junk food and video games. This is because no one- not even the gym class teachers- decided that my health was critical enough to speak up and inform me on what I was doing to my body, which was killing myself. I tend to ask older people quite a bit about how their gym classes were, and most, from about twenty-five to sixty year olds, gave me the same answer- they took it as if it was an SOL class. They were forced to exercise, even vigorously on occasion, pass their physical fitness tests, and were not allowed to lollygag or stay on their phones during the instructional time. Even though I wish that no child would go through something like that, more do than do not, and some experience even worse scenarios. It was not until I was a teenager, no thanks to the physical education classes, that I started taking care of my body, and this change has made me a healthier and happier person. There is no reason students should feel like taking care of their body is not as important as anything …show more content…

PE classes are not all students’ favorite class, but that is not an excuse for them to not participate and learn from it. I hate reading, but I HAVE to do it for every single class now that my senior year is filled with dual enrollment classes. Unlike calculus or probability and statistics, a serious physical education class will teach students something that will stay with them for the rest of their lives and it will surely benefit them. For the students that love to play video games and enjoy technology, I do too; I play video games, and even watch championships for certain video games, such as League of Legends. However, one thing that is noticeable when watching these championships is that all the players are fit people with healthy bodies. Just because a student likes video games, or any other activity, it does not mean they should not be motivated or be physically active in high school class just because it is not their forte. Living a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone to do, whether they are doing it to play sports or just to have a better and healthier

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