Persuasive Essay On Health Care

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There is no doubt that health care is an extremely important aspect of our daily lives since it is a safety net if you were to ever have any health complications which could potentially be more monetarily impactful and ultimately prevent you from getting treatment due to a lack of upfront cash. The real question is should it be the responsibility of the U.S. Government to have national health care for it its citizens? I personally find it hard to back the national health care not because of the idea of giving all citizens health care but for the technicalities involved. • Defining Universal Health Insurance o From countries that have single payer health care systems or health care systems that are heavily controlled by the government there …show more content…

This is the case for both the GDP and per capita(Jacqueline Brux). You may be asking how does this make sense we pay more for what seems to be a lower quality? In reality the United States is actually providing a much higher quality as a base level for health care expenditures in comparison to other countries who have horrible base care. Also in the long run countries with national health care end up paying more in the long term than most because the costs of the services are rising based on demand, budgeting deficits, and constant tax increases. Imagine a tax increase for health care in the United States we throw hissy fits over tax increases for education health care would be pushing the line to …show more content…

If you were to remove the privatization of the health care industry you would cause there to be even steeper prices to pay since most medical practitioners want to appeal to people by being the lowest prices and highest quality so that people feel inclined to take their business to them rather than to a competitor . This competitive market is actually beneficial in the sense that it allows people to find the price range that suits the most. o To compliment that you also push not only the medical staffs but the entire industry to find new cures or alternatives that all for the market to improve in quality or innovate the industry by making it more efficient or service. I genuinely believe every person should have the right to good health care, but I think it would be more detrimental at this point to fully implement a system in which only the government is regulating the market. Health care should be given to those who cannot afford it but should not affect those who already have a health care framework in place which is what policies like Obamacare have tried to do by somewhat punishing people for keeping their health care plans by making the market have to be more competitive and reducing the quality that you are getting for what you have to

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