Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Gun control, as most of us know, is supposed to lower violent crime rates in the country. Although, when you really think about it, it does the exact opposite. If you obey the law, then you will give up your guns, leaving you defenceless to those who will still find a way to have them, also known as criminals. Since 1950, every public shooting in America, except one, where more than three people were killed, it was in a area where guns were NOT allowed to be carried (Lott 1). This shows that most killers go to the least defended place (a no gun area), not the easiest place to go (1). If a predator is trying to get you, you wouldn’t put up a sign saying, “We do not carry guns. We are undefended,” even though public place do this all the time (1)! Going along with my previous statement, in the U.K, where guns are banned, there are still murders (Listverse). Now, I will say that homicide with guns have dropped, murder in general has gone up, and by a lot! This did stop rampage shootings, but it does NOT do anything about murders with knives, strangulation, poison, and more. Seeing that this didn’t help at all with the murders, …show more content…

They would be left undefended, not only from criminals, but the government as well (Fetzer). Now, this is something to think about when asking whether or not tyranny, or the government or rule of a tyrant, would happen in America. The DHS, or the Department of Homeland Security, has acquired over 1.5 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition. This is not a big deal until you remember that the Hague treaty bans use of hollow point ammunition in combat. Also, being the DHS, it has no foreign commitments, the only thing it can be used on is the American public (Fetzer). That is just a theory, but it is worth noting, especially because of the power the DHS

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