Firearms: A Deep Dive into American Tragedies

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Gun control is one of the biggest debates that America is currently facing today. The reason why this topic concerns many Americans is because of the crime that is related from it. FBI data shows approximately 70,975 homicides were committed in America from 2006 to 2010 from various different types of firearms (Wenzel, 2012). That 's 14,195 on average per year homicides from firearms. Only 9,075 came from knives and other sharp objects, which equate to about 1815 homicide a year. Firearms are the number one tool being used in America for homicides. But even bigger than this, suicide rates reached over 19,000 casualties in 2010 from firearms. Firearms have a 90 percent success rate compared to poison, which is only 30 percent (Center for Disease …show more content…

The people have a right to demand more gun restrictions for people who buy and sell them on the market. By the people of America voicing their concerns over more security precautions with gun handling, which is giving more power to the people. The people should be able to feel comfortable about going to school to get an education without constant worry if someone who is unqualified to carry firearms is carrying one. A citizen should feel comfortable to go to a movie theater without fear of rather someone would come in with a gun or not. The government works for the people, and the people who have a responsibility to put the government to work in effectively monitoring precautions of homicidal …show more content…

One of these major incidents occurred in the past few years was the Sandy Hook School Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. 20 year old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 kids and six adults school faculty members and ultimately committed suicide by shooting himself (Flegenheimer, 2013). Another shooting occurred in a Colorado movie theater, where James Holmes shot 70 people that led to 12 deaths in July 2012 (CNN Library, July 2014). On February 26, 2012 an incident occurred between a Floridian resident and neighborhood watch coordinator, George Zimmerman, who reportedly shot and killed a sixteen year old boy, Trayvon Martin in self- defense (CNN Library, February 2014). However, many people feel that the shooting was uncalled for because Martin was unarmed and he was walking in the same gated community he was currently living with his father. These stories are just a few that calls to attention the importance of personnel gun restrictions needed in this country. After reviewing these incidents, now the real question is, "Could these incidents and other countless of gun related criminal acts have been avoided if there was just an increase of firearm restrictions

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