Persuasive Essay On General Ed

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Isn 't there a ridiculous amout of General Ed required in order to graduate these days? The thought comes to mind that why would schools require math if the student is going to work with animals? Sure, the budgeting is important, but that can be learned in a busness class that would be required anyway! General Ed teaches the skills that are needed to graduate with a degree in any given field, and for years this has been widely accepted, except generally by the community college students. If a student is training to become a teacher, then, absolutely, General Ed should be required because that is what they are going to be teaching. However, any college student who has completed highschool should not need to complete general ed for a second …show more content…

Many people go to college for years to get a piece of paper that proves that they did the work and have the knowledge. But many people go into different jobs than their degree would suggest. It would be more profitable to take out the unrelated classes and train the students for the job disired for less price, then the students could return if they changed their minds about occupation or receive on the job training. The most distracting thing about general ed is the fact that is adds hours of unrelated subjets to the minds of college students who are having trouble …show more content…

General Ed absorbes time teaching many skills that wont be used, it is widely accepted to require its teaching in schools, and if it would simply be included in the classes already being taken, students could focus on the carrer they are persuing. This proves that if general ed was eliminated from the requirements then students would be better off. Besides, if students could accomplish their career goals faster they would not accumlate as much debt because they would be paying for less classes, and text books which can cost over a hundred dollars each. Removing general Ed from the degree requirements would be a logical action with many

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