Persuasive Essay On Euthanasia

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The right to life has been a subject of controversy for decades. We can mention it when we talk about abortion, the death penalty, and simply by a natural process we allow such as the simple act of natural birth of a baby. Whether a life is worth living? and whether to assist the act to end a life? Has been one of the most controversial subjects among the religious communities and the society. According to the Louis Finkelstein Institute for Religious and Social Studies reported on its website in the document "Physician-Assisted Suicide Survey," (accessed on Oct. 27, 2006), "Religious identity correlates with attitudes toward the ethical status of assisting in suicide. Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Jews believe in the majority that it This term is also known as assisted suicide, physician-assisted suicide (dying), doctor-assisted dying (suicide), and mercy killing. In most of the countries euthanasia or assisted suicide is against the law. Presently, in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Colombia, along with the American states of Montana, Oregon and Washington, are the only places in the world that permit active euthanasia or assisted suicide. According to the National Health Service (NHS), UK, it is illegal to help somebody kill themselves, regardless of their circumstances or situation that they are in(Nordqvist). Assisted suicide, or voluntary euthanasia (which is the practice of ending a life in a painless manner) carries a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison in the UK and in the USA the law varies in some states. For many religions such as Christianity and Catholics are against euthanasia for the simple reason that life is given by God. They see life as gift from God, therefore, they believe that no human being has the authority to take the life of any innocent person, even if that person Secondly, they believe that it is cruel and inhumane to refuse someone the right to die, when they are suffering intolerable and unstoppable pain, or distress. Thirdly, Euthanasia should be allowed when it is in the best interests of all involved and does not violate anyone's rights. Finally, if death is not a terrible thing, then making it come sooner isn't a bad thing (life related issues). Also, they believe that allowing the act of ending someone’s life helps shorten the grief and suffering of the patient's loved ones. Similarly, senior adviser Faye Girsh from the final exit network said, "At the Hemlock Society we get calls daily from desperate people who are looking for someone like Jack Kevorkian to end their lives which have lost all quality. Americans should enjoy a right guaranteed in the European Declaration of Human Rights the right not to be forced to suffer. It should be considered as much of a crime to make someone live who with justification does not wish to continue as it is to take life without consent"(procon). Additionally, according to Nordqvist from medical news says that, “if the dying process is unpleasant, the patient should have the right to reduce this unpleasantness. In medicine, the prolongation of living may sometimes turn into the prolongation of dying. Put simply why should be a patient be forced to experience a

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