Persuasive Essay On Eating Disorders

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Everyone loves food, but not everyone loves what it does to their body. Society has put such a huge emphasis on body image that many males and females are concerned with what they eat and how it makes them look. This has lead to many people with eating disorders and trying multiple diets. According to LiveStrong approximately 45 million Americans diet each year (Uzoma). Not everyone sees the results they wish when dieting, which makes them frustrated and some give up. The reason the diets are not working may be due to the fact that they are not partaking in the right diet for their body. One effective diet for all is tracking what you eat. Loosing weight is 90 percent diet and 10 percent exercise (Glassman), thus it is important to track what one eats. In todays society on average men are eating 264 more calories than their recommend 2,000 (Colman). While women on average are eating 178 more calories than their recommend 1,600 (Coleman). Although these numbers may not seem high, remember that 70.7% of the adult American population is overweight or obese (“Obesity and Overweight”), meaning that are taking in more calories than they need and not exercising enough. An easy solution to help control calorie intake is by tracking what one eats. Tracking one’s diet may sound …show more content…

One reason is that the diet is based off of personal goals of protein, carb, and fat intake more so than calorie intake. Another of those reasons is that one will get immediate gratification. Many quit their diets due to the fact that they do not see quick results. Weight loss will occur within the first two weeks when tracking one’s diet (Legge), but may not see a huge impact until much later. A tracking diet also allows people to eat foods that they enjoy. If one eats food that is not necessarily good for them, all one has to do is adjust the rest of days food intake or adjust the amount of exercise they do to make up for

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