Persuasive Essay On Customer Service

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It's very well known that a companies success is not only dependant on the possession of a good product or service, but the key aspect to a successful business is excellent customer service. As the market grows, now more then ever companies are emerging, they are offering very similar types of products and services. Successful customer service can be a way a business becomes original and unique, it can be the key to attracting and maintaining loyal customers. Good customer service can start-up a business while bad customer service can harm a company. An average customer that experiences an issue will complaint to 9-10 people about the problem. A customer that received support to their problem and a potential solution will tell at least five …show more content…

How do you tell your clients that they are valuable to your business? In today’s market there is a large availability of online tools that can create excellent and responsive customer service support. Different online tools can be integrated into a products or service website. Such tools can improve customer satisfaction and retention. Whether you have just 1 person handling customer care or a whole group of people there are many tools that can improve, organize and maintain excellent customer support. The most important tool is customer satisfaction. There are many online customer satisfaction tools available which will allow your business to evaluate and measure the satisfactions of your clients. Customer satisfaction is a great way to measure how pleased the customer is with your product, how easy or not so much it is to navigate through the check out process and really anything that you decide to add to the customer satisfaction survey. A tool called ZenDesk is a help desk and ticket support software that offers a support system that is organized, and prioritized to ensure that customers queries are responded to within a set time line. This tools can automatically measure customer service satisfaction by offering customers to rate tickets after each query is solved. This tool also provides the possibility to measure the time frame in which a query was solved. An online chat session is also available …show more content…

A simple point system is the most common form of a loyalty program. It can be simple process of customers earning points which translate into some type of reward. Rewards can differ by offering discounts, freebies, special customer treatments, whatever the reward might be clients are coming back to to work toward a certain amount of points to redeem their rewards. A very popular and successful form of reward is when a client recommends the product to someone else, which for example can give a 10% discount for the word of

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