Persuasive Essay On Cow Milk

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The hidden addiction Humans have been poisoning themselves for many years. The addiction that most humans have is hidden. This addiction it’s so dangerous , much more than drugs. This addiction is eating animal products. It might seem silly to think this way . This addiction not only harms a human but an animal as well , and our planet that we humans live in. The solution is Veganism. By becoming vegan humans can save their life, as well the animals . We can also stop world hunger most importantly save the planet we live in. Many of us have been raise to the idea of consuming animal products. Ever wonder why we drink cow milk? or at least why is advertised so much? . Why aren’t we drinking gorilla milk or elephant milk ? . Cows produce a lot of milk and it’s cheaper to maintain than any other animal. The farm industry doesn’t care about your health. They only care about the money. So , they will feed consumers lies . Cow milk is advertised everywhere as being good for our bones , but the dairy industry doesn’t tell the consumer that is full of hormones and pus . They pasteurized the milk, which means they sanitize it. They sanitize the pus , but they don’t get rid of it . The FDA allows this which makes the …show more content…

A well planned , vegan diet is rich in protein , calcium and iron and many other essential vitamins and minerals . A plant based diet has lots of nutrients and its low on saturated fat and very high on fiber . It’s packed with antioxidants. Which helps combat modern diseases such as obesity and heart disease. By becoming a vegan you will have much more energy . A vegan a won’t suffer from high cholesterol , because cholesterol is only found in animal products . Therefore a human being won’t be suffering from these life threatening diseases that are caused by animal product consumption. Overall a plant based diet is the right way to go for a healthy

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