Persuasive Essay On Cow Milk

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In todays time, health and proper nutrition has become one of the most up and coming topics that people want to learn more about. Not until recently did people start to experiment with these new trends including veganism, plant based, and dairy free diets. It has taken over the television and internet, the most powerful celebrities are influencing so much of the younger generation, convincing them that these new diets are so much more beneficial than they think. However, I believe that becoming dairy free is something that can be easily transitioned into because there are so many alternatives to cow milk today. Many people will still argue that cow milk is indeed healthy and there are no risks while drinking it, but there seems to be much more evidence backing up why we should not be consuming …show more content…

There is a difference between the calcium that is being consumed versus the calcium that you actually absorb from milk. Studies show that milk increases calcium loss in your bones because it acidifies your body pH, in or to neutralize the acid, the calcium is being released from your bones and exits your body through your urinary track; therefore, the “calcium” one thinks he is getting from dairy milk is not benefiting the consumer in any way. Unfortunately, one of the main problems with this is the production of calcium kidney stones that form from excessive build up of the calcium that kidney is unable to break down. People learn in school as young children that they need milk in order to have strong bones as they grow older. Studies show that the sad truth behind milk increasing risks of bone fractures and strength by fifty percent. Many doctors don’t know the effects that calcium has on bones because the way the industry is set up to make consumers believe the advertisements they put

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