Persuasive Essay On Competitive Youth Sports

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Today in our modern world, the issue of whether or not children should play competitive sports has been heavily battled on and has sparked two greatly divided sides. One side supporting the continuation of competitive youth sports, the other proposing the end of the rigorous activities. This paper will be supporting the proposition of removing children from contact sports, in hopes of securing their safety. One of the issues of playing sports at a young age, is the chance that profanity, and inappropriate behavior may be influenced upon children. Things that wouldn’t have seeped into a child’s mind unless it had been mentioned. There will always be a student player in a team who swears and likes to goof off around those, “inferior” to him/her, …show more content…

Many say athletes who excel will have doors opened for them, and opportunities in abundance. However, not many will actually achieve that status. According to a sports psychologist, stationed in Maryland, stated that about seventy-five percent of kids quit sports at ages thirteen to fourteen, due to the high expectations and standards. And even those who rise from the minor twenty-five percent, only two percent of that group of high school athletes will receive athletic scholarships according to studies from the National Collegiate Athletic Association. (“5 Things I Learned to Love About Competitive Sports for Kids” By Leah Ariniello) “Kids may hone certain skills in a particular sport with early, intense specialization, but they can also burn out emotionally and physically.” - Jacqueline …show more content…

The physical benefits of sports are undeniable and true, helping to fight childhood obesity through competitive activity. Sports, also help to create good work ethics in youth, and help promote organizational skills for their tight schedules. Sports continue to prove positive as they also help students create goals for themselves, in and outside of sports, they also help to consistently challenge the young players. However when weighing the pros and cons from playing competitive sports at a young age, the cons are ominously heavy, and easily outweigh the

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