Persuasive Essay On Brainwashing

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The mind is beyond fascinating. Throughout the years Brainwashing is something that has been spoken about more often. The fact that a person can convince a person to do an action that a person wouldn’t do in their right mind is mind blowing to me. Although, I believe it happen so many times throughout the world that many people aren’t aware of. In my mind, of course, I think I would not be able to fall into the trap of brainwashing, but many people who are recovered victims of such incident say the same statement. It is scary, but fascinating to know that one person would completely control every action and thought you do throughout their life. If you think about it long enough, you take on roles of your parents as you grow older. This in a sense is a type of control as brainwashing is, especially in a young, venerable stage of your life. If a parent can create that type of control over their child than why couldn’t a trusting person …show more content…

The saying, “sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words may never hurt me” is more of a false statement now than ever. There are many studies, especially this book, that have shown that mental torture has more of an effect than physical torture. If you start to think about it, a very good example of this when people that fight in the military come back from war. Many of them have physical injuries yes, but the most powerful injury they have is post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. Many of these soldiers are mentally ill and have to seek a type of therapy after such exposure to horrific sights. If you think about it more, seeing a person die right in front of you is a lot harder to deal with than a physical injury that can heal. PTSD is only one of so many types of physiological disorders that are so powerful to one’s mind that it can make them seriously ill for the rest of their life, especially if not

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