Persuasive Essay On Assisted Suicide

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illegal), it is important to consider the patient's quality of life and their right to make decisions about their own body. Therefore, legalizing assisted suicide with proper regulations and guidelines could provide a humane option for those who are suffering and have exhausted all other options.
Giving patients this option not only allows them to abstain from unnecessary pain, but it also allows them to die a dignified death. The Colleges of the Boston College Law School Faculty Papers explain their views on assisted suicide to readers, stating, “We believe that it is reasonable to provide relief from suffering for patients who are dying or whose suffering is so severe that it is beyond their capacity to bear…The most basic values that support and guide all healthcare decision-making, including decisions about life-sustaining treatment, are the same values that provide the fundamental basis for physician-assisted suicide: promoting patients’ well-being and respecting their self-determination or autonomy.” The contributing authors make an excellent point by stating that the same values used in prolonging an individual's life are the same used in assisted dying. Nonetheless, the majority of the United States remains opposed to assisted dying, ignoring the mental, physical, and emotional pain patients have undergone. With that in mind, this law also ignores the trauma close family members endure while witnessing their loved ones face such an undesirable fate.

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