Persuasive Essay On Animal Welfare

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“Life is life’s greatest gift. Guard the life of another creature as you would your own because it is your own. On life’s scale of values, the smallest is no less precious to the creature who owns it than the largest” (Biggle). Life is important no matter who or what they are, animals deserve a life as well as humans. Therefore, no animal should be scared of not being adopted or having a chance to be euthanized. Although animals are known to be able to live on their own for a minimum of two weeks, no animal should have to fight for the right to survive. As humans, they have the right for their freedom, so they should also. Having a large amount of people donating to Non-Profit Animal Welfare Organizations will be beneficial for abandoned animals and adoption rates will grow.
Before there was a known fact of animal welfare and/or shelters all animals had were pounds. Pounds are where stray and unwanted animals are left. An animal at the pound is given only seventy-two hours to be picked up and reclaimed by their rightful owners. If not picked up after seventy-two hours, the animals are available for adoption and the animals are at risk of not making it out of the pound alive. Once the animals are available for adoption they are held to allow the public to come look and have the chance to take them home. The animals have, at the minimum, a week to live unless they are adopted, or if they are said they are gonna be adopted. They will try to keep the animals as long as possible to allow an adoption to take place but it all depends on the health of the animal, how much interest is being shown for that particular animal and if they have adequate space for the animals. A different type of adoption is where a person wants to...

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...r is properly taught on the dos and do nots of how to raise and properly care for them then the unwanted number should be decreased substantially because there are no surprises. Having a pet is no easy task. It requires time, money and patience
Donating to Animal Welfare Organizations will help raise the average of animals saved each month. Although many animals are not seen on the side of the road abandoned does not mean they are not there. Some may still be chained up in a backyard with no food or water. There are rumors about a mother and her babies being in a sewage pipe abandoned. As bad as this sounds, there has been information of animals being drowned or even shot so people do not have to take care of them. “The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals.” This quote is by an unknown author. For a dog’s sake, love them!

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