Persuasive Essay On Alcoholism

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“Alcoholism (alcohol dependence) is a more severe pattern of drinking that includes the problems of alcohol abuse plus persistent drinking in spite of obvious physical, mental, and social problems caused by alcohol” (Ringold, M. S.). Alcoholism is a major social problem in today’s world. People can agree that alcoholism threatens the lives of the person and the people they care about. Alcohol is one of the drugs that have caused serious problems for the younger generation. Alcoholism is greatly influenced by peer pressure. To get stress out, sometimes an alcoholic will drink heavily. Alcohol consumption is associated with your health. Drinking heavily can be the cause for liver cancer. Also, you can be intoxicated and could be driving drunk …show more content…

People need to know the dangers when drinking to much. “An estimated 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States” (Alcohol Facts and Statistics). People need to see the reality that people die when consuming too much alcohol. The government is making people more aware about the dangers of consuming too much alcohol. However more needs to be done with this problem. I know that lots of people watch T.V. I have never seen a commercial talking about alcoholism. I think by advertising it shows people the dangers of drinking. By showing the commercials on television a lot more people would see it. We need to use the power of social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. That would also be effective because the younger kids use these sites and would see it more often. I would also suggest that popular icons talk about the cause and effects of alcoholism. “In 2013, of the 72,559 liver disease deaths among individuals ages 12 and older, 45.8 percent involved alcohol. Among males, 48.5 percent of the 46,568 liver disease deaths involved alcohol. Among females, 41.8 percent of the 25,991 liver disease deaths involved alcohol” (Alcohol Facts and Statistics). When I’m online using Facebook, I usually just scroll past everything until something catches …show more content…

I loved my cousin. I looked up too him for everything. He was my best friend. To me, he was my brother. Nothing could separate us or at least that’s what I thought. In 2003, my 21-year-old cousin went to a bar and drank heavily. He was super drunk. He couldn’t walk straight. His buddies helped him walk to his car. I didn’t think this was a smart idea because he had no control of himself with his body. I believe when the cops used their breathalyzer, his alcohol level was at a .2. The consumption of alcohol that is legal is a .07. Anything higher you would have gotten a DUI. If only he called my aunt saying he needed a ride home that none of this would have happened He drives home and never makes it back. He gotten into a car collision with another car. His car was totaled. The other guys car was much worse than his. Both my cousin and the person in the other car was rushed to the hospital. They both needed surgery right away. My cousin did not suffer much. With the crash, he lost one sight of his eye and lost half of his sight on his other eye. He had broken ribs from the impact. The other guy suffering a concussion and internal bleeding. During the surgery, the guy passed away. When my cousin heard about this he cried into tears. He knew he was going to be arrested but he took a life away. He also lost his driver’s license. This was devastating. As soon as he recovered from the hospital he was arrested. My heart fell as I am seeing this. I

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