Process Essay: What Makes Up A Health Fair

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Health fairs are increasingly popping up among companies, as they have numerous benefits. These include more interaction among employees, educating them and creating a sturdy health management plan. Perhaps their most important function is to provide employees with a sense of and the importance of health in general. If everyone working for the company is in tip-top shape, the company itself will be faster and more efficient. Of course, the question then comes up – how do you pull off a health fair? Well, fret not, we're here to help. Come look at our guidelines and learn how you can put together a memorable and interesting health fair.

1. Plan Well
The key step to anything is to plan it. For a fair like this, it's best to plan at least half a year in …show more content…

Fun Activities
The inclusion of activities in the health fair can bring more employees onboard and reduce whatever stress they may have. One example might be a company barbecue, and a local nutritionist could be hired to prepare the food and balance it out. The nutritionist could also show how to prepare healthy meals, such as salads, desserts and the like. Staff should also be encouraged to bring their family members to the fair. This would create a much more relaxed and colloquial atmosphere, as well as teach loved ones the same health benefits that workers …show more content…

In addition to planning, corporate leadership should also be made aware of the event, so they can give feedback and help convince employees to attend. If the supervisors or management don't know a health fair is in the works, they might hate the idea once they're presented with it too late. If they frowned upon the fair, attendance by employees might drastically dwindle, and only a few people would get the opportunity to learn and have fun. It might sound cliché, but you should always ask permission before putting on a health

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