Persuasive Essay On 9/11 Memorial

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September 11th, 2001 will forever be etched into American history as one of the worst terrorist attacks against the United States. To memorialize the victims that perished on this day, an official memorial was built in the footprints of the World Trade Centers (WTC). While the goal of this memorial was to be peaceful, some debates have arisen about the memorial. Some believe that they should have something different for the design and others dislike components of the winning design. Even with the many debates that surround this memorial, it is still a valuable piece of art to the public that provides a place for families and others to remember those who were killed on that day. People that visit the memorial connect with it physically and emotionally. …show more content…

According an operator of a popular art website, art has five characteristics that make it art. The characteristics he talks about are beauty, skill, meaning, uniqueness, and fulfilled intent. The 9/11 memorial fits these characteristics perfectly. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, most people would agree that the 9/11 memorial is stunningly beautiful. The use of the trees that are a strong green in the summer and colorful in the winter adds to the contrast of the black reflecting pools. Art must also have skill and technique. The amount of skill that it took to create the 9/11 memorial is amazing. The two architects working it have experience and skill that they gained through the years. They applied their knowledge from the years to create a unique memorial. Art is also supposed to have a meaning. Dan stated, “Art it powerful, not just for beauty or the talent needed for its creation, but because it can cause emotion…”. The 9/11 memorial has many meanings with the reflecting pools, trees, and the survivor tree. Just looking at the memorial one could see that it is unique. The dark reflecting pools with the names of the survivors surrounded by the trees is one of a kind. It is even more unique that it is the roof for the museum underneath. Art must have fulfilled intent and this memorial has accomplished its intent. The intent of the memorial is to honor those who died. It allows people to see the names of those who died and inside the museum it allows people to freely learn about the people that

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