Persuasive Essay Immigration

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Immigration, the leaving of one 's homeland to build a life in another country, was not a new concept by the late 1800s. Foreigners had been leaving their homelands for the United States for decades before. Since then Immigration has been a major issue in the United States. This phenomenon is not new and thousands of illegal immigrants have come into United States through either the Mexican border, the Pacific Ocean, and through many other ways. However, some of the immigrants are undocumented, they should be allowed to stay in the United State because of some reasons such as, religious freedom, another one would be opportunity, and run to seek shelter. Humans have been migrating since we were evolving in the African savannahs thousands of …show more content…

Most of them are from Mexico, Middle East, Africa, China, etc. All immigrants come to America to find job and better education. To come to America applicants must fall into one of two main categories: family sponsored or employment sponsored. A family sponsored immigrant must be married to an American citizen, or a related by birth to an American citizen. Some immigrants risk either lives just to come to America. In addition, those who argue against immigration do not realize that these immigrants benefit the economy. Because the American dollar has such a value, immigrants looking for a better living financially will get any type of job that pays better than they were getting paid in their home country. They are the ones taking the unwanted jobs by Native Americans. Immigrants are usually forced to take unwanted jobs for a low wage because they are not well educated or not fluent in …show more content…

Every year millions of people around the world are displaced by war, and others are forced to flee their country to escape the risk of death. For instance, Syrian families are risking their lives every day as they flee their homes in search of safety. The Syrian war has displaced hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Syria. The Syrians have to go somewhere but most neighboring countries didn’t want them. they started crossing the ocean in the most dangerous way. People cramped in a small boat it’s a risky journey many Syrians are willing to take because they have no choice its either Europe or starving to death waiting for neighboring countries to let them in. Although, without immigrants there would be no America. America was founded on immigrants everyone in United States can trace back their ancestors back to all walks of earth. that 's what makes the U.S. so beautiful and unique then other countries. we should be accepting of immigrants today because they just want the American dream. that 's what our founding father came for. We’re seeing history repeat its self again. Just like the Syrians now would take the Jews in so Hitler started killing them. In similar way no one would take in the Syrians as refuges so there dying of air strikes diseases and starvation. Why haven’t our leaders recognized this terrible event that’s happening to the Syrians and other

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