Persuasive Essay Homework

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Homework should be banned from schools.
Homework negatively affects kids health, homework may produce little or no benefit and homework can negatively affects family relationships.

Homework should be banned from schools because Homework can negatively affect kids health. One piece of evidence is eductionalreaserchers Robert Marzano and Debra Pickering state that homework can be very bad for students mentally and physically. It is bad because kids get too much of it and kids start to worry and get scared that there teacher will be disappointed in them. Another reason why homework can negatively affect students health is homework can give kids sleep deprivation. My evidence to support this is research proves that kids can get sleep deprivation by staying up to late doing homework. My last reason is homework can cause suicidal thoughts. One piece of evidence is a lot of kids are having suicidal thoughts because of way too much homework, according to Teens, stress, and suicide, homework can also cause kids to have suicidal thoughts by stress and they think that homework is way to hard. Therefor homework should be banned from schools all around.

Homework should be banned from schools because homework may produce little or no benefit. …show more content…

Another reason is when kids do too much homework in a day they might not be remembering anything the day of the test. My last reason is inappropriate homework may decrease student achievement, marzano and pickering state that it decreases children's overall achievement. This happens because of all the work they put into homework and then he day of the test they forget everything and because of all the stress. This is why Homework should be banned from schools because it produces little or no benefit towards the

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