Persuasive Essay: Do We Need NASA

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NASA is a very important space agency dedicated to space exploration created in 1957. Without NASA, we wouldn’t know about our solar system or any dangers that float outside of Earth. NASA should continue to receive federal funding because of education purposes and the safety of the Earth. We learn alot from NASA’s missions and their high-tech technology. NASA educates us about wonders outside of Earth. According to, “Teaching has a high priority of NASA, so much that it has flown astronaut educators into space. Astronauts regularly do flight conferences with students about space to inspire them to pursue careers.” NASA has a lot of information to be shared with everyone. Kids learn about the Solar System then pursue careers in astronautical …show more content…

A serious and well-funded space program must have the capacity to monitor large asteroids that could destroy the planet.” NASA is protecting the Earth drastically by monitoring deadly asteroids that could possibly cause a Mass Extinction. A mass extinction is where all species are wiped out with no more left of their kind. The dinosaurs became extinct because a huge asteroid hit the Earth and wiped all of them out. NASA can create solutions that could stop these asteroids before the come towards the Earth. If we couldn’t monitor them, we could all become extinct at any moment. Without NASA, asteroids would smash into the Earth and extinct anything on it. According to, “Such a collision would unleash a firestorm of heated debris and fill the atmosphere with the sun-blocking dust, which would wipe out the farms and starve the human species. A wisely funded space program would detect these asteroids before it strikes.” Without NASA monitoring these dangerous asteroids, they will strike and cause everything on planet Earth to become

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