Persuasive Essay Against Horse Slaughter

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Horse slaughter is the solution Horse slaughter is the solution to the overpopulation of horses. It is better for the horses to be slaughtered then for them to be abused or neglected. Horse slaughter provides a meat source, raises the economy and the entire body is used. If people did not ride horses they would be treated like livestock rather than pets. The slaughterhouse is the only home for horses without one. If horse slaughter was not legal more horses would be neglected. If slaughter was illegal in Canada and Mexico. The horses would instead of of traveling a day or so in a trailer they would be abandoned of sent to slaughter in Japan. Both of which cause more stress to the end of a horse's life than necessary. In Canada alone in 2011, 89000 horses were slaughtered and that number has steadily increased as the Canadian dollar has dropped. If those horses were of not to been slaughtered they would of ended up ending their owners broke, in an uneducated home (where many medical issues go unnoticed) or the horses would be neglected. In the United States it would take roughly 5300000 to house the surplus horses. The …show more content…

Cows, pigs, chickens, goats and turkey are killed every day but their meat is less financially beneficial to the slaughter houses and horse owners. Horses have no interest in working, the same as every other animal. They do not want to jump, run, race or tote a person around. When a person says that their horse loves their job they are referring to the work the horse is convinced to do. The job they should be referring to is the horse running away from predators and eating. The horse does not have the human passion to work and love. The entire goal of a horse is to procreate and survive. The same as every other species of animals. It is when people personify and take on the feelings for the animal. Coyotes are something horse's fear not the

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