Persuasive Essay About Drinking And Driving

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What seems worse, texting while driving or driving drunk? We all believe drunk driving has the most consequences because we hear about it all the time. Adults and schools are constantly preaching “Don’t drink and drive” to young teenagers. What they do not praise as much is “Don’t text and drive”. Texting and driving is six times more likely to cause a car accident than drunk driving. The majority of people are for the laws, but are still guilty of distracted driving. This type of driving is more common with the younger generations because phones are our lives nowadays. Teens have the least amount of experience behind the wheel and are the most susceptible to accidents. Not a lot of experience and texting is one of the ways teenagers get into …show more content…

Everyone has been to at least one party in their life and the most common saying from parents is “Don’t drink and drive”. This is very understandable because events can happen at a party and people are not always be the smartest. Teenagers decide to drink at parties all the time, even when they know they have to drive later that night. Teenagers should not only think about drunk driving, but also texting and driving when they are out having fun. When teenagers drive with their friends, they are even more distracted, especially if they pull out their phone when driving. Not texting and driving should be more stressed upon because it can have the same consequences of driving drunk. Many people see the consequences of texting while driving as a ticket from a police officer, but what they do not realize is it is one of the most leading causes for car accidents nationwide. In the United States, about eight people are killed from distracting driving daily. How would it feel for you to be the reason why one of those eight died that day due to your irresponsible driving? In that case, “arrive alive, don’t text and drive” (31 Good No Texting and Driving

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