Persuasive Essay About Animals

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Persuasive Essay Animals were everywhere in history: the saber tooth tiger , dodo bird and the mammoth and so on. Humans are the cause of certain animal extinctions. From Poaching which decreases their numbers to Pollution which makes them sick to Destroying their habitat which makes them lose their homes, humans are.... That is how animals can die and the bad thing is that we are mostly the cause of it.

Pollution is a major way we cause animal extinction. Like when there was we had that oil spill caused by Exxon Valdez company which affected the brown pelican, bald eagle and the peregrine falcon and almost caused these animals to be extinct. It affected so many animals that almost every news station back there we're talking about it. …show more content…

They are still hunting elephants for their tusks and their ivory. Sometimes poachers even use elephant tusks to make bows and arrows furthermore,asian elephants are hunted for their meat and hide. Compared to African elephants only male asian elephants have tusks. Now let’s go to the rhinoceros this species is protected by the law but like i said poachers do not follow the law. Rhino’s are hunted for their horns which are on high demand. Rhino horn is believed in some parts of Aasia that it will cure everything from cancer to hangovers, that is why it is on high demand in the black market. The black market demand for rhino horns are critically high leading to continuous poaching activity.Another animal that is about to be extinct is the tiger .Tigers are being hunted for their teeth, claws and whiskers.Sea turtles are another species about to be extinct they are hunted for their turtle shells which will be used to make jewelry and other things like soup.Lemurs are the most hunted species still living and poachers and other humans are out here killing them just like the gorilla which are the world's second most endangered

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