Persuasion And Rhetorical Devices In Mark Antony's Speech

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In Act III Scene II of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus and Antony must address the death of Julius Caesar by delivering a speech. In each speech the reader can find the presenters using Aristotle's three modes of persuasion and rhetorical devices. Brutus’ main job was to convince the audience that he killed Caesar for the good of Rome and not out of jealousy. Mark Antony on the other hand had to prove his loyalty to Caesar by declaring Brutus and the other conspirators traitors. In my opinion I believe Mark Antony had the better speech overall. In these next couple of paragraphs I will be outlining what made Antony’s lecture superior to Brutus. Brutus began his speech by using Aristotle’s method of persuasion, ethos. The commoners all

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