Personalized Nutrition and Exercise Plan

1368 Words3 Pages

Proper nutrition and exercise is the key to maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. A problem that I am suffering from is obesity, and it has been an issue with my family for generations. By following an eating plan designed specifically for me, I will be capable of progressing toward a healthier weight, and hopefully live a longer life. Also included in my personalized eating and exercise plan, is taking steps to stop smoking which will assist me with meeting my goals of losing weight and improving my health.

Some health problems associated with obesity are heart disease, stroke, respiratory problems, diabetes, and an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Therefore, my eating and exercise plan will focus on moving toward a healthier weight and maintain a healthy weight once the excess weight is lost. Since I have a good understanding of how to understand nutritional labels, meeting my weight loss goals will be easier. One problem that I have had is eating much more than the suggested serving size for foods. I will only be eating the recommended serving size now, which will contribute to helping me meet my nutritional goals.

My nutritional plan does not include any fad diets; it simply includes eating according to the food pyramid, and my personalized eating plan that was designed with the help of previous assignments. My eating plan includes eight ounces of grains, three cups of vegetables, two cups of fruit, and six and a half ounces of protein daily. This eating plan is designed to help me move toward a healthier body weight. Without the knowledge that I have learned about nutritional science, I would not be able to develop such an effective nutritional pl...

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...ght. A supportive family makes it much easier to follow a plan instead of simply developing one, following it for a month, then forgetting about it. It is not my intention to finish this class and forget the information when I move forward in life, but to use the information learned in the class and use it in my daily life. Much of the information that I learned about nutrition was over 15 years ago in school, and it was very helpful to be refreshed on the science of nutrition.

Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Overweight and Obesity. Retreived from

Grosvenor, M. B., & Smolin, L. A. (2006). Nutrition: Everyday choices. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Ward, E. M. (2012). Fat Facts: Good Fats vs. Bad Fats. Retrieved from

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