Personality Psychology: Hud Bannon

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In evaluating each of the characters, Hud Bannon was the most intriguing to examine. From his behaviors and actions to his dynamic relationship with the other characters, reveal a complex individual. Through the concepts presented in Personality Psychology, Hud Bannon displays characteristics associated with Anti-Social disorder. From his reckless behavior, womanizing antics, and tempered attitude, Hud’s behaviors correlate with those of the disorder. Utilizing the information associated to Anti-Social Personality disorder and evaluating behaviors, actions and relationships Hud Bannon exhibits a connection to personality development and disorders. To comprehend the relation between Hud Bannon and Anti-Social personality disorder, an examination …show more content…

Hud demonstrates a charm or wit that he uses for his own personal gain or amusement. He is notoriously known around town as a womanizer as he is seen being a married women and visiting her in the home she shares with her husband and eating at a local dinner does not seem to care about the consequences of getting discovered. Hud also uses his charm and smooth nature to attract the attention of Alma. She holds her own, revealing interest without showing weakness displaying a no-nonsense, strong personality within their interactions that keeps him intrigued. Hud Bannon also demonstrates a disliking towards the law and government. He believes the government should keep away from matters that associate with his business, as the epidemic moves towards the herd of cattle he is persistent in allowing officers access to the ranch. Hud reveals that he does follow as others do, ignoring laws and rules only obliging to …show more content…

Hud then demonstrates opportunist behavior suggesting that Homer sell the animals to other ranchers before the news of the outbreak spread. If news breaks of the outbreak, government officials would have the cattle killed and would ultimately destroy all that was worked for. Hud is also confronted by Homer after learning that he is trying to seize the ranch. Hud is disgraced and upset of his declining inheritance, so he threatens to have Homer declared incompetent to take over the ranch. After the cattle are killed and buried under government supervision, Hud suggests that selling some oil leases to keep the ranch profitable but the idea is denied. Hud’s opportunistic behavior produces an animosity between the relationship of father and

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