Personal Worldview Essay Examples

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We, as individuals, are compelled to ask and answer the significant question of humanness, because the way we live our lives comes from, in large part, the response that we give. Therefore, our personal worldview is the framework from which we make sense of life and the realm of actuality in which we exist. A human is distinguished from other animals by superior mental development and power of articulate speech. We are highly complex machines who, I believe, have a purpose, and the freedom to control our own lives.
The human mind is a powerful and large component to the body. We have spawned civilizations, cultures, and technologies that have changed the face of the earth. However, a defined explanation on what it means to be a human being is oftentimes unclear. I believe that self-awareness is a large part of humanity because we have the ability to separate ourselves from the surrounding world, and have a sense of our own existence. We have the capability to choose to do things without instigation, prediction, and reason. Nevertheless, a human being is also created and cared for by our God. We are living because of Him, for Him, and through Him. Without our God we would have no life, and therefore could not be a human being. Every action, every emotion, …show more content…

I believe that, in general, life purpose is not to be happy. It is to be useful, honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference, and to know you have lived and lived well. We were put on this earth to achieve our greatest self, which we cannot do without the assistance of God. A relationship with Him is the only thing that will quench our souls longing, find peace within ourselves, and be the best we can be in the short amount of time that we

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