Personal Takeaway

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Pursuing a degree in business has been a lifelong dream. Understanding the concepts, formulas, and processes necessary to be effective and accurate weather it was a personal business or a corporation that offered employment is a goal that has been on the “to do” list for many years. When the opportunity to take this class presented itself, thinking twice about it was not an option. However, prior to taking this class the assumption was made that it was going to be just another math class that was a speed bump on the way to the ultimate goal of achieving the MBA. Six weeks later it has been proven over and over again that the prior assumption was completely wrong. In the past year while pursuing the MBA, I have also been looking for meaningful employment. Several potential options have been offered yet nothing that would be considered meaningful stood out. When it was least expected, a great opportunity presented itself approximately two months ago. The position that was offered was as a Consultant at a fortune five-hundred company. Without a complete understanding of what the positions duties and responsibilities consisted of, I immediately started researching to find out what would be expected. As the research revealed, part if the duties and responsibilities consisted of comparing and growing individual business by comparing the productivity of the previous years and advising the owners and operators on how to improve and become more profitable. The amazing part of the entire process is when the interview for the position finally came to be. It was after the third week of the class. About half of the questions that were asked by the interviewer consisted of the topics and subjects covered in the class within the first three wee... ... middle of paper ... ...describe and relay the desired information to their readers. Shortly after taking this class, it became apparent that this class offered more than what was initially expected. Learning the formulas, concepts, and processes necessary to solve the equations became more valuable than one could ever imagine. The position as a Consultant that was applied for was offered and accepted because of the information that was taught and the understanding that was gained in the class. This class was and will continue to be instrumental in providing the much needed information necessary to accomplish the task that are a requirement in this position and I am forever grateful to Professor Raymond for the patience and style displayed in his teaching of this class. Works Cited Kosslyn, S. M. (1989). Understanding Charts and Graphs. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 3(3), 185-226.

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