Personal Statement : Discovering My Triggers

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Discovering My Triggers
The definition of triggers is something that quickly, and unexpectedly changes our emotional framework in that second. I will be talking about six of my different triggers, focusing mainly on four negative ones that have an adverse effect on my emotional well being. I will also write about two other triggers that have a positive effect on me. I am a very reactive person; when something has an effect on me, it’s usually extremely easy to see it on my face, my body language, and in my tone of voice.
The first trigger I will be talking about is criticism. I can immediately pick up on when somebody is criticizing me. When I can sense that the person or people that I am interacting with are starting to criticize me, I immediately put up a defensive wall. I get angry, and feel a deep sense of hurt, as if the person or people do not recognize how much effort I put into something or what my true motivation was. I often start to cry or yell, and start shouting in defence of myself. After I have had time to cool off or think about the criticism, I often feel embarrassed and recognize that what they were saying was true.
My second trigger I have is seeing someone I love or care for not choose me. When I see someone I care for choose someone else over me, I feel a deep sense of betrayal. I withdraw and think to myself, “if they truly care about me, they will seek me out.” I hide this feeling very deep inside of me and bottle it up. This in turn often leads to prolonged feelings of betrayal that go on way longer than they should. Sometimes these bottled up feelings cause me to snap at others and have a quick temper.
My third trigger is lateness. Time is a very important thing to me, and weather you show up on time...

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.... My family, on both sides, is very touchy, so that is the kind of environment that I grew up in. Naturally these triggers evoke feelings of togetherness, kinship, and love.
My sixth, positive, and final trigger I will be talking about is shared interests or a curiosity in my interests. When I find out that someone I’m interacting with shares similar interests or is curious about my interests, it makes me excited, happy, and animated. Young, old, male, female, friend, stranger, it doesn’t matter; when I find out we share an interest, I am the happiest person alive. I love talking about shared interests, and gaining new insights on them. I believe this comes from being home schooled and the fact that I had the opportunity to cultivate my own interests independently. This trigger knocks down any walls that I might put up emotionally, and I become a lot more friendly.

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