Personal Social Development

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Throughout my time studying the course Personal and Social Development, I have been presented with many questions, theories, and stories of others experiences to look deeper into myself to realize how I define myself. I truly believe we attract all the experiences in life that we need to learn our unique lessons in life. This course has come into my life at a time that I have been forced to rebuild my since of self and circle of friends. In the beginning of the year I went through many changes. I moved to Fullerton from Long Beach, and got a new job. Early in the year I was involved in a car accident that totaled my car and left my life shaken and unorganized. Even so, I believed everything happens for a reason, and that even the worst events …show more content…

I do believe that we define our own life and our own meaning. I truly believe that our main goal in life is to generate enough experiences to find out who we are as individuals in the collective. Once we understand ourselves as individuals we understand how our incivility and how it supports the collective conscious. Unfortunately, being an individual is probably one of the hardest thing to do in the world, do to the disdain those who stray away from the norm receive. We spend the first apart of our lives trying to fit in and learn from our community and order to come to full maturation. Then the next part of life is spent shedding the ideas that do not connect to you and what you represent as a person. I think the best contribution a person makes to this world is finding themselves and understanding their own personal goals and values. By being your authentic-self, you can attract the people that are good for you, and repel those who are not. It is important to remember that our authentic self are not the roles in life we hold, but the roles and ideas that make us who we are. To display my authentic self and belief, I could not stray away from expressing the fact that I am a believer in the law of attraction as well as many aspects of astrology. Although I may seem weird to others and many me presume that I have no capabilities of critical thinking to believe in such nonsense. Even so, I know these things came into my life during a time where I had little direction or meaning in my life. This pseudoscience displayed to me that the depression and loneliness I was feeling at the time served a purpose of personal development. The Laws of the universe, more specifically the law of attraction’s concept that like attract like has taught me to be more conscious of what thought I chose to entertain and to examine the qualities of my thoughts when my life feels like it is going down a negative path. Whether these

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