Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My Writing

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I learned to write like most people did. It was a skill passed on to me by my family. My Grandpa taught me how to write. When I was 3 and 4 years old I did not go to preschool like most kids my age did. Instead each day before work my mom would drop me off at my Grandpa’s house and he would look after me and teach me the things I would need to know to start kindergarten, these days spent at his house were referred to as “Grandpa’s school”. Each day I sat down at the kitchen table and used a stencil to practice my letters. This instilled in me a love for writing. I can think of no one more important in my life than my Grandpa was to me. I cherish the moments I had with him, especially the ones spent at “Grandpa’s School”. Writing has always been important to me due to the fact that such an important person in my life was the one to teach me the skill. Writing is something that is passed on from one generation to another so it is special that my own Grandpa was the one who taught me how to write. In all aspects of my life besides writing I am left handed. The reason I learned to write with my right hand is because I wanted to write exactly how my Grandpa wrote, he was right handed. Although this is a funny story to tell my friends it also is a …show more content…

If my Grandpa felt it was important enough for him to devote tremendous amounts of his time to teach me how to write then literacy is clearly important. I believe writing is so important to me because he was so important to me. Had anyone else taught me how to write I would not have such a love and respect for writing. If it were not for my Grandpa I may not even be in English honors. Without his teaching and guidance I would not have a desire or drive to write, therefore I would not be good enough at english to qualify for the honors course. I am thankful that I did not go to preschool and instead went to Grandpa’s

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