Personal Narrative: What I Learned From My Failure

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There's times in your life that you never want to relive, whether it's a harsh rejection or a heavy disappointment. If you choose to learn from your failure it can make a fundamental impact on your life. Walking through the doors my freshman year, a fragile girl was ready for "the most important four years of her life." Overwhelming and excited I ran from class to class beaming with joy, soon to be discouraged by the challenging courses and constant pressure. Always a straight A student my grades started to plummet. I didn't realize the importance these years would be to my future success until it was too late. Fast forward to junior year, National Honor Society invitations were sent out. Impatiently waiting, I checked the mailbox everyday for weeks. The days passed and the idea that the invitation got lost in the mail soon vanished. I was heartbroken and disappointed. I tried to find excuses and reasons as to why I wasn't chosen, but I had no one to blame but myself. Why did some kids get invitations when I didn't? Questions clogged my mind while tears welled up in my eyes. Slowly I shut my bedroom door, plopped onto my bed, and whispered to myself "I've failed." Growing up I always wished for a …show more content…

I challenged myself to work harder than I ever had before. I didn't even know that this would be a fundamental milestone to my future success. I enrolled in challenging courses: advanced placements, strenuous foreign languages, and demanding mathematics classes. I engulfed myself in school work while balancing a job, social life, and relationships. Some people called me a nerd, but they didn't know my story. I was bettering myself, their words couldn't discourage me. Report card after report card I saw a rapid increase in my grades and my self image. Finally in my life my hard work was paying off and I was finding my calling. At the end of junior year I was exhausted but I learned my potentials, limits, and

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