Personal Narrative: Waking Up In High School

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High school, is coming up in about three ish months and I’m kinda excited, but scared. I expect high school to be a enjoyable four years, but also a challenging four years. I’ve always hoped that high school was going to be like it was in the movies; Grease, The Duff, or Ferris Bueller's Day Off… How awesome would it be to go to a high school like in all of these movies, don't lie it would be so much fun!

I guess everyone has to fear something in high school; my fear would have to be either ending up not having friends, or having people you think are friends, but really just are not the people you should call friends. High school has all sorts of things to look forward to, but the top ones would have to be all the dances and the boys. ;) haha I can’t wait to go to Homecoming or Prom, well I have to wait till after freshman year to go to prom, but I still can’t wait!!! The boys HOPEFULLY aren’t going to be idiots, because I really would want a date to the dances, and to just go on a REAL date. …show more content…

He’ll plan a really exciting date like, I don't know, maybe, go cars or going to an amusement park.He’ll bring me home on time, and my parents will love him. This guy will hopefully like me enough to ask me out on another date, and walks me up to the door when we get home, and when we get to the door he leans in to what you think is a kiss but he's actually leaning in to grab his jacket that he let you wear when you go cold at the amusement park…. :) haha...

Where do I expect to be in 10 years? Well, I expect to have graduated college and have started working at a good paying job. Maybe even have a boyfriend, or starting to see people and go on dates trying to find a boyfriend. I expect to have friends, and we go dancing, and have so much fun, then comes monday and I have to go back to work. I want to have my own place and hopefully have most of my college lawns payed

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